HomeGamesCritical Legends Chest Locations

Critical Legends Chest Locations

Critical Legends Chest Locations in this article we are going to find. We have brought you all Critical Legends Chest Locations information covering most of the premium locations.

See in this that every player enjoys picking up some easy loot. To do this you will need to know about the critical legend. Legends Chest Locations, we make things easier for players by identifying locations about Roblox Critical Legend. Locations and map. High-quality maps and chest information about what you can find everywhere. Without further ado, let’s discuss his Critical Legends Chest Locations.

All critical legend chests

These chests are hidden around the map, in different areas, and a few different places. Critical Legends Chest Locations manage to get them all, you’ll have a wealth of loot with no-knowing and no-knowing functions. You have to fight enemies. And gives you certain types of abilities and bonus stats to help you continue your journey. Items you can get from Critical Legends Chest Locations and the ones you can get from the general area.

Critical Legends Chest Locations-Primis Field

  • Rage Scroll: Under the apple tree in the first left turn.
  • Hunting Dagger: Straight from the entrance, against a cliff wall.
  • Traveler Boots: Left of the entrance, on the top of the cliff beside the campfire (navigate through the cave to reach it).
  • Sharpener Rock: Inside Cave 1 in the first right turn upstairs.
  • Burning Leaf: Turn left inside Cave 1 to reach a purple hell portal at the end. Turn left from the other corner of the portal, cross a long bridge, and look for a chest in the lava rocks to your right.
  • Icy Shield: Entrance to Snowy Caps, right after the signpost.

Critical Legends Chest Locations-Flora Fields

  • Honeycomb: In the center of the Flower Fields.
  • Honeyshield: Left from the entrance, in a corner against the cliff.
  • Chaos Strike Scroll: In the cave in the far left corner, on the middle stones surrounded by water.
  • Sun Fragment — In front of the Flower Fields, on the black platform.
  • Queens’ Soul: Right and up from the entrance, behind the Queen Bee.

Chest Location Slime King

  • Barrage: Straight and left from the floating temple entrance, beside a tree lakeside.
  • King’s Crown: At the eastern wall of the Slime King’s Forest.
  • Self Heal Scroll: Across the lake from the floating temple entrance, behind a tree lakeside.
  • Slime Jar: Southeastern corner of the forest.
  • King’s Crown: At the eastern wall of the Slime King’s Forest.
  • Ignite Scroll: Right outside Cave 2, near the crates.

Location Starter Spawn

  • Punch: Right from the spawn, on the boat closest to the Legit Shop.
  • Metal Plate: From the spawn, on the roof of the house beside the apple tree.
  • Burning Torch: On the roof of the Arsenal.
  • Mining Pickaxe: Straight down from spawn, next to the stairs.

Chest Location Thyrsus Woods

  • Venom Scroll: Left of the entrance, past the boulder, hidden in the trees.
  • Hunting Dagger: First chest at Thyrus Wood’s entrance.
  • Icy Shield: Under the apple tree in the first left turn.
  • Ignite Scroll: Left of the entrance, past the Arsenal, among some crates.
  • Campfire Wood: Right next to a large campfire in the southern part of the woods.
  • Venom Scroll — South of the Arsenal shop.

Location Snowy Caps

  • Self Freeze: Across a wooden plank jump bridge, or up a wooden ladder, to the right against the cliff.
  • Blizzard in a Bottle: At the bottom of the pillar holding the pierce of the spawn boat, one tier below.
  • Ice Rose: Take a boat to Snowy Caps from the Punky Sky isle’s pierce. Search for a chest at the southern wall, right of the spawn boat.
  • Sun Fragment: Right side of Snowy Caps waterfall, between large rocks left of a campfire.

Chest Location Punky Sky

  • Dark Burn Scroll: On the middle island, behind the stone arch on the far side of the bridge.
  • Force Field: Walk the long stairs up to the Trading Place from the southern edge of the Slime King’s Forest. Take a boat to Punky Sky island. Search for a chest on top of the house with crates on its walls, right of the Arsenal shop.
  • Blood to Mana Scroll: Left of spawn, behind Luck Hunter Tickets Shop.

Location Evergreen

  • Chaos Strike Scroll — Inside Cave 3, on the rocks in between the bridges. Use a few Haste potions to be able to get there.
  • Mana Scroll: Next in this Critical Legends chest locations guide is Mana Scroll. You will find it at the northern border wall.
  • Group Heal Scroll — Outside of Cave 3 at the right border wall.
  • Heart Fruit: Upper right from Flora Fields cave exit, at a hill corner.

Chest Location Forest

  • Mini Tree: Right from the Arsenal, through the forest and up the hill, across the wooden bridge.
  • Gravity Islands: On the upper platform, close to Skeleton King’s Tower, on the southeastern edge.
  • Tiki Torch: Next in this Critical Legends chest locations guide is Tiki Torch. You will find it on the seashore at the southern end of the forest.
  • Virus: Upper left from the Flora Fields cave exit, again on the large red glowing cube.
  • Heart Fruit: In the center of the Forest.

 Void Chest Location (Level 100)

  • Soul Drain — After reaching Level 100, go to the eastern edge of the Forest and enter the Void. Go to the left side of the portal and use the Haste potion to reach the chest sitting on top of a lone rock.

Chest Location Heroes Cavern (125+)

  • Shadow Fruit: Right from spawn, on the edge of the cliff.
  • Soul in a Bottle — After reaching Level 125, enter the Heroes Cavern by jumping through a narrow hole at the center of the Slime King’s Forest. Will be sitting on the top pillar of a dark platform to the left of the Arsenal shop.

 Chest Location Endpoint

Art the article discusses Critical Legends Chest Locations. Some of them require you to use medicines and such items. Which gives you faster jumping. Gives you high speed and chumps in high-level areas. Rest are relatively easy to reach. Enjoy your treasure adventure and try to collect them all.

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